
 · Allows up to 256 color icons on an AGA machine. (!)

 · Icon colors are color correct on an AGA system no matter what your
    palette is set to.  They automatically appear in perfect color.

 · Default icons for dozens of file types automatically appear for files
    without icons FAST.  Recognizes file types in a very efficient manner.
    If you click on a "fake" icon, your appropriate user-defined default
    tool will appear in the "Execute command" text field automatically!

 · Make a brush, convert it to an icon.  It will appear on your workbench
    in the exact proper colors you created it in, no matter what your
    palette is set to.  Imagine making gorgeous icons from your digitized
    pics, in more than 16 colors!

 · Icon images are compressed to maximize disk space.  They are
    uncompressed faster than you can say "NewIcons"!

 · Also KS 2.04 compatible (16 color icon limitation).

 · Fix that ugly Cross-DOS icon to look like a standard NewIcon.

 · Unique icons for RAM-Disks and CD-ROM's that don't have icons.

 · A complete set of beautiful, standardized Workbench icons, drawn by
    artist Roger McVey.  And more on the way!

 · Comprehensive set of utilities to allow you to manipulate your NewIcons.

 · FREEWARE!  Why would anyone want to pay cash for icons?

 · Very stable.  Beta Tested/Updated for over a year.

(NOTE: The above taken from program documentation)

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